Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wii Remote Jacket Accessory?!?!

Hello all,
I have one question for you. . . . . HAVE YOU EVER THROWN YOUR WII REMOTE IN ANGER BECAUSE YOU MESSED UP, OR EVER NOT PUT ON YOUR STRAP, THEREFORE LETTING THE WII-MOTE GO LOOSE?!!!! I tell you I haven't! And the fact that complaints went into Nintendo talking about the straps not being strong enough, and the Wii-motes breaking, is all because they didn't put on their wrist straps! And the fact that they are just plain messed up, if they are trying to hurt the Wii-mote!! Now, they have come up with this crazy Wii-mote Jacket accessory, that is basically padding for the Wii-mote! And now, to every Wii that is hooked up to the internet, Nintendo is sending messages on the message board saying that you can get these things!! What is the point? Can't people be responsible enough, to know that they shouldn't throw the Wii-motes?!?! . . . . . . Sorry, had to get that out of my brain and onto my blog.
Good Luck.

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