Saturday, April 26, 2008

Poll results, MarioKart Wii

Hello all!
I was wondering who voted what on the poll! Leave a comment and tell me (except Insanity101, you've allready told me). I have a problem, I don't remember voting on my own poll, so I especially would like to know who voted Fox.
Mariokart Wii releases tomorrow! The game will be so great! Except that I won't be able to get it tomorrow ;( I've always spelled Mario Kart, Mariokart. Did everyone but me know that Mariokart was Mario Kart?
Your friend in gaming,
CPU12 The Nintendo Freak
Good Luck.
(Please look at Fire Emblem post)

New Fire Emblem

I have become a Fire Emblem freak. I only have one game of the series but I am dying for more. I have found out that the first 6 installments of the series were released in Japan, and all had pretty cool titles in my opinion. At least, better than the title The Sacred Stones. ALL the titles are incredible, but the coolest title comes from the first Fire Emblem ever created for Japanese NES owners. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light. This first Fire Emblem, was the game that had Marth as the main character. And this game, is going to be remade on the DS! However, seeing how many of the titles are going these days, this game will not have the incredible title of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light. This game will probably have the wimpy name of Fire Emblem DS. That's something I REALLY don't like. Yes, this will be the first Fire Emblem with online capability, but that does not make it "Fire Emblem DS," It is still Fire Emblem Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light. Just with a few added features! I have to admit, the idea of fighting with my troops in an online battle with another player sounds like the coolest thing ever! However, this might not be the case. Seeing the way a good bit of the DS titles Wi-Fi capabilities are weak, this Wi-Fi will probably be just trading weapons, or comparing best times of getting through levels. Or maybe info exchange, I pray that it is multiplayer functional. I know that the "Blade of Light" is Marth's sword, Falchion. And one of the Shadow Dragons, the last boss, is the Dark Dragon Medeus.
One or two corrections to the first Fire Emblem post. Titania is not exactly super powerful. She is just in her master class while everyone else is not. This means that many of her stats are much higher than say a lower classed knight. She is a paladin. Although you can automatically make some characters master class with an item called the master seal, this would mean skipping a great many level up bonuses to become a master class. Ike, the commander in Path of Radiance, can actually NOT have the Master Seal used upon him. For I have found out, that the commander can NEVER have a Master Seal or any similar item used upon him (or her....). The reason being, that all commanders master class promotion come from the storyline, not the leveling up. Pretty cool huh?
I don't know about you guys out there, but I'm pretty excited about this new Fire Emblem coming soon. However, if they mess up things, I won't be very happy.
Your friend in gaming,
CPU12 The Nintendo Freak
Good Luck.