Monday, March 31, 2008

I found this. . .

I found out the actual number in Japanese Launch numbers for Brawl. In Japan, around 820,000 copies of Brawl were released! Now, that may not sound like quite as much as we might think cause we've heard of the Halo release records. But Japan has about 3/4 if not LESS of the population of America!! In the first day, it sold 500,000 copies, 80% of the stock!! And here in America, we sold around, uh, not official numbers. But it looks like that first days in each country combined, Brawl sold 1.4 million copies!! And then there's all the copies that have been sold AFTER that!! I really hope these sales beat Halo 3 into the dust. By the way, 500,000 beats any record a Nintendo game has had on launch day. The highest in history until now, was Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, which sold 386,234 copies on opening WEEK!! This is also Nintendo of America's (NOA) fastest selling game!! WAY TO GO NINTENDO!! And, we don't even have Europe numbers yet cause it hasn't launched yet!! Halo is going DOWN!!!

Your friend in gaming,
CPU12 The Nintendo Freak
Good Luck.

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